
Currently, there are two additional utilities in the package: BrowserSync and jQuery handling.

To configure them, you can pass these options in your webpack.config.js:

features: {
  styles: {
    browserSync?: boolean;
    jquery?: 'internal' | 'external';
  • browserSync: enables BrowserSync support in webpack-dev-server
  • jquery: allows to configure whether to support internal or external jQuery


BrowserSync seems to be the only reasonable way for webpack-dev-server to work nice with WordPress. The reason for that is WordPress generates absolute paths to every resource by default, which proxy in webpack-dev-server cannot handle. BrowserSync seems to get around it by overriding paths in every HTML generated by proxied site.

In this package, we use browser-sync-webpack-plugin to create BrowserSync instance which proxies our webpack-dev-server, which in turn proxies our WordPress site. Pretty complicated, but works! 🎉

Difference between internal or external jQuery

In some cases (like in many WordPress sites) jQuery is being loaded from script tag. In such case, if we use import jquery in our JS code, we will include another jQuery instance to the site, which unnecessarily increases page load time and bundle size. To avoid this we could instruct Webpack to resolve all jquery references from imports to global jQuery object in window. This is done by external option here.


When using this option, please make sure that jQuery is loaded before webpack in HTML.